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'Goals and ambition are nothing without purpose and direction.'

'What you think, so shall you be...'

'No Yoga, No Peace.....Know Yoga, Know Peace....'

Valuable Information

Monday, June 7, 2010

Where to begin?

I know....I am very behind on the blogging. But....have been very busy with so many things. Always on the go, yet sometimes I feel like I get nothing accomplished.
There have definitely been a few struggles as of late. I guess the biggest being about competing.
I am not competing in July. I am okay with that now.
There are a number of reasons why. I feel like I have screwed up my metabolism...my body is rebelling against everything that I do lately. I feel like I have missed out on so many things that are important to me - family, gardening, hiking, road/mountain biking, socializing.....to name just a few. It makes me feel disconnected from my spirit. From Jamie.

I am so critical about my body and need to take my focus from external to internal....

I just finished a 9 day Hot Yoga Teacher Training intensive in Vancouver. Eighteen 75 minute yoga classes in a 40 degree room in 9 days.
One class at 9 and the other a 5.....with a bunch of sitting around 'philosophyzing' in between. Some days were more challenging than others. Not usually physically...but mentally. Pretty much 18 hours of staring at my self in giant mirror wearing little shorts and a sports bra. Like I mentioned before....my body is in serious rebellion right now, and the excessive amount of hot yoga has only exacerbated the problem.
Because of the intense training and cardio that my body is used to doing on a daily basis....and a strict eating schedule.....it did not like the 10 days with out the training and cardio and eating schedule.

I figured it would be awesome for my body to do all the sweating and stretching and I ate super clean the whole time. But due to the time constraints (you cannot eat 90 min before a class) there was no way I could follow my usual eat every 2/2.5 hr schedule. Yes I could have gone to the gym at 5 in the morning....but I didn't.
So I am not sure if it was the excessive sweating and heat, but my body decided that out of the the 8-10 litres of water that I was drinking a day to stay hydrated, it was going to hold what feels like half of it in my legs, ass and belly. Ya, feels great. Even my toes feel puffy.

I really missed my regular routine of weights and cardio....and am definitely a strong believer in that fact that you can't only do yoga, especially Hot Yoga. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it isn't great for you. I just think that it is important to have balance in your exercize, and it is good to move intensely and create your own copious amounts of sweat on a regular basis.

Back to the real world tomorrow....kids (missed them so much), family, training, creating, practicing, everything that makes me keep going everyday! So much to think about, so much to do, so many great experiences to be had. So grateful for it all.....maybe not so much about the water retention......but it is what it is.

Lots more to come.
Always learning.

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